Prussian improvised steam tank. |
This is one of my latest WIP for the new Martian scenario. My Prussians just did not have enough support vehicles so... The chassis is a Black Hat Martian Empires wheel kit for their steam tanks. The super structure is card stock with some wood and plastic bits added. The gun is simply a Krupp field piece. When it is finished I will get some better photos of the boiler side, and interior. Right now she needs a little more paint to be ready for action. The plan is to use flags instead of hull markings so I can switch nationalities if I want.
Prussian steam tank with panzegrenadier option. |
Here is the steam tank with troop carrying capabilities. I was deliberately trying for as rough an appearance as possible (read poor modeling skills here), since this was all cobbled together on Mars far away from the European halls of industry! The trailer wheel was cut from the core of a roll of receipt paper and the body from card stock and various bits. The rivets were an experiment with a seam marker from the sewing my basket (yes, I sew too). This is a handy device which has a handle and a small spiky wheel that I used to perforate some card stock in nice (somewhat) straight lines. Then I simply cut strips and glued in place.
Sorry I don't have more photos yet. I'm still getting used to this recording everything I do step by step thing. My rather chaotic, completely unplanned, methods for this type of project are not really conducive to my recording them. My engineer friend Rusty cannot believe I can make things like this without so much as a concept drawing. I think it shows in the extremely rough, some might say crude, finished product. My aim in this type of modeling is to get a reasonable representation of the object, for not much money or time consuming procedures, on to the game table. I like to make terrain, models, and love to paint figures. However, I also like to come up with scenarios, write rules, run games at Cons and our RPG campaign (Middle Earth...another whole topic), and just plain game...a lot!
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